What’s up everyone,
In this newsletter, I’m going to break down how you can go the distance with your podcast and record long into the future.
People say podcasting is like a marathon.
I would describe it as more like an ultra-marathon.
Your episodes are your oxygen. You need enough oxygen to survive and thrive.
If you don’t plan correctly, you’re going to cut it close with your episodes, lose momentum and fall behind.
In contrast, you can jump out of the starting blocks, blast for ten episodes, burn out and join the podcast graveyard with 99% of other shows.
I hope you enjoyed this little analogy. I thought it was quite clever not going to lie.
Anyway, after recording over 150 episodes in under 3 years, here’s my approach to going the distance:
I always think in terms of oxygen, and how many weeks I have left.
Sometimes it’s 3 weeks of content, sometimes it’s as little as a week.
You need to plan for cancellations, events and real life things to disrupt your schedule.
Right now, I’m going through another intense move to a new country. I’ll probably have shitty Wi-Fi and something will definitely go wrong.
Therefore, I’ve doubled up and recorded twice a week for the past month. I can stop today, and have content for over a month.
Find a way, not an excuse.
Outbound sucks.
You can disguise it anyway you want, but messaging people all the time is not enjoyable. Therefore, I want to do as much as possible in the shortest period.
Sit down on Sunday morning, turn off your phone, and write 10 genuine, tailored emails to potential guests.
If you don’t sound like an automated robot and write your emails with Chat-GPT, your success rate should be 40%. Which is exactly one month’s content.
So instead of building it up in your mind, do it all in 90 minutes and plan exactly one month in advance.
If you’ve been at the game for a while, and you’re not enjoying where you’re headed, it’s totally ok to pivot.
Kickoff Sessions started as a vanilla careers podcast. I wanted to meet executive level people and hustle through the traditional path. At the time I had aspirations to get to a COO level of a big, boring company.
My interests changed and so did my podcast. When I wanted to leave that world to go all in on podcasting, it made little sense to keep talking about how 25-year-olds can get promoted.
After 1.5 years, I pivoted into the online business space and have seen a 10X return from the change.
Personal interests + audience demands = podcast growth
Everyone is happy.
All podcasts start with a hypothesis. You think someone wants to listen to a specific topic.
When in reality, the data will tell you what people want.
For example, if you run a copywriting podcast, and you think people want to hear about Twitter ghostwriting. However, a bunch of episodes you recorded on email copywriting have popped off. There’s a trend that must be explored.
All else being equal (guest size, episode length, in person or online), it’s safe to say email copywriting is what your audience wants.
Content can be complicated, but data is black and white, it’s good or bad. Don’t take it too personally.
That’s all for today, I’ll see you next week internet friends.
Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
→Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.
→Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.
→Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.
Copyright Voics 2022