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Why People Buy Your Story, Not Your Products

Darren Lee • September 17, 2023

Read time: 3 minutes

What’s up everyone,

We’re back with another newsletter on this beautiful Sunday morning.

This week I’m going to show you exactly why people buy your story and how to create your own story.

Whether you record podcasts, write newsletters or create content on social media, people are buying your story over your products.

Let me explain.

In a world where almost everything can be a commodity or automated, the differentiator is your story.

Leaning into your experiences, challenges and solutions separates you from 99% of people selling the same product or service.

For your content, prospects come directly to see what you’re about: your values, beliefs and, ultimately, your expertise.

Long form content is your best friend for this.

Before people even consider buying from you, they build a relationship by following your content. The more you show up and deliver, the better the relationship you're developing.

The sale is a byproduct of the trust and credibility you’ve built for YEARS.

The goal is to think in decades. That’s how this becomes valuable.

To put things into reality, it took me three months to get to $30,000 MRR.

What you don’t see is it took me THREE years to get to $1.

All the seeds are planted and grown over time in the background.

Side note: you can turn up the monetisation dial much earlier than I did. My goal was to stack skills and experience so I could actually deliver.

Want to build an asset that will pay you 100X in the future?

Cool, let’s get into it.

My good friend Tim Stoddart once told me, “no one can argue with your experiences” and I love that.

When everyone is trying to cut you down, your experiences stand in isolation.

I like to move viewers through a timeline:

1. Personal Stories:

These are events relating to your product or niche that have had major significance.

Why you started, how you started, early wins, feelings and emotions.

Example: I started with a $60 microphone and a 30-day-money-back guarantee because I genuinely believed I was going to return my microphone.

2. Share Transformations:

Show a sharp contrast between point A and point B.

This can be your total journey from the beginning to right now, or updates you’ve made on the journey.

Example: I used to record in a flat with two other dudes in Dublin. Now I record podcasts in world class studios in Bali, Singapore and Dubai.

3. Share Challenges:

These are relevant and relatable to your viewer as it’s genuine pain you and the viewer have shared. The journey comprises a handful of problems we all face.

Example: I could not crack video for a very long time. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it right. I spent hours each week adjusting lighting, angles, etc. until I got a working model in place.

4. Share Solutions:

This is how you solved the issue with your time and effort. It positions you as an authority because you did the work. Something people aren’t willing to do these days.

Example: I spent 1000 straight days doing one thing - podcasting. I solved some pretty rough problems doing the same thing every single day.

Now let’s put all of this together.

I’ve taken the following piece from Daniel Priestley. He has interviewed thousands of entrepreneurs and boils their story down to three major components.

1. Origin:

Origin is all about your early triggers in life that led you down this path.

An event around the age of 10-12 years of old that influenced your behaviour to think differently and act independently.

For me, I trained at a high level as a 100 metre sprinter from an early age. I spend most of my time either on my own or with a high performance coach, training and analysing performance when most kids didn’t.

I was literally looking at data and metrics at 12 years old. In some ways, I do the same thing right now.

2. Mission:

Mission is the highest leverage activity you can do to realise your goal.

For me, it’s recording as many high-quality podcasts as possible to help younger people live a richer and more fulfilling life.

3. Vision:

This is what you want to see, a change in the world and how you’re going to get there.

For me, I believe the art of conversation is dying and podcasting is the best way to create deep and insightful conversations again.

Try this approach out for yourself.

That’s all for today everyone. See you next week!

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.

Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.

Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.

Grow Your Podcast Today.

Less Frustration. More Growth. Better Podcast.

Finally, your Podcast Growth Roadmap to predictable growth. ​A free case study on how I grew from 0 to 20+ million views and so can you.

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