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How Content Helped Me Build a Top 1% Global Network

Darren Lee • October 1, 2023

Read time: 3 minutes

What’s up everyone,

We’re back once again with another Sunday newsletter.

This week I’m going to show you exactly how content helped me build a killer network and how you can do the same.

For context, when I first got into the content game in 2020, I had no network, no money, no experience, nothing.

On top of that, at 24 years old, I was largely unskilled. I worked in consulting, a vague, esoteric term for “you know nothin.”

To this day, I’m still unskilled to a degree. I’m not a writer, sales bro or an engineer. So it’s not like I can give someone a skill I have.

I’m not a serial entrepreneur with a decade of experience that everyone wants to leach off. Also, I don’t have a CMO that can pay a magazine $30,000 to “get the name out there!”

(Please don’t ever do that by the way…)

I can honestly say my approach to content networking is from the ground up and highly effective.

If I can do it from 0, you definitely can and better than me.

Why is this valuable?

Because the network I’ve built has enabled me to create businesses, establish joint ventures and grow faster than ever.

With that out of the way, let’s get into the details.

1. Build Leverage

For me, the golden source of truth has been my podcast, Kickoff Sessions.

For you, it doesn’t have to be a podcast.

It can be a newsletter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn or Twitter account.

But ideally it’s something you own.

A podcast has the highest leverage as a guest podcast forces you to contact people every single day.

As your episodes stack up and compound, your podcast builds up velocity.

Imagine a football rolling down a hill. First it rolls slowly, then all at once.

At a certain point, the velocity becomes so strong it’s unstoppable.

During this period, the breath of guests you’re exposed to is wild. Instead of being a lone wolf building in solitude, it forces you to connect and collaborate with others.

Remember earlier when I said I had nothing to give someone?

That changes as your podcast grows. You now have a platform that can provide guests with reach and engagement. Your platform is a valuable resource for others to grow from.

This is distribution.

Why do you think Chris Williamson, Steven Bartlett, Lewis Howes consistently have the best guests in the world?

They have leverage.

2. Genuinely Help People

Sounds obvious, right?

It’s massively overlooked by podcast hosts and creators online.

Do intros for people and send them helpful information.

I like to create content for guests specifically that will help their brand and business.

It doesn’t take much effort on my side and it’s a minor gesture that makes a big impact.

I’m less concerned about keeping my master plans to myself (I have none) and instead I want to share these ideas with people.

If a guest or someone you’ve interacted with is struggling with something that you can solve, give it to them without hesitation.

Remember, we are thinking in multiple decades.

Not in short-term dopamine hits.

3. Publish & Find Your Tribe

I was on a podcast the other day with a dude that was 16.

He said he struggles to find other 16-year-olds that are interested in podcasting and online business.

No shit.

He won’t find his tribe in high school.

This can only be found in the online world.

When you publish content, you will naturally attract a crowd.

Some will be bots.

Some will be weirdos.

Some will be the RIGHT weirdos.

That’s who you’re targeting.

You want to find the right weirdos on a similar mission to you.

These people keep you accountable in the building phase.

They should call you out on your shit to your face and speak highly of you behind your back.

I believe everyone should have a mentor, someone ahead of you.

Everyone should have someone on their level, someone to keep you focused.

Everyone should have a mentee, someone to distill your teachings.

Over time, your tribe builds and converts into a high-quality network.

4. Team Up & Dominate

The result of this is beautiful.

You can team up to create great content.

You can team up to form joint ventures or strategic partnerships.

You can also just have someone that understands the struggles you’re going through as an entrepreneur.

(Probably the most important)

I like to create win-win scenario.

Everyone brings either leverage, distribution, skill, knowledge, experience or capital to the table.

No one is doing anyone a favour.

It’s just a win-win scenario for everyone.

Entrepreneurship is rough at the best of times.

Your network provides you with clarity, direction, and support when you need it most.

Now go build your network.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.

Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.

Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.

Grow Your Podcast Today.

Less Frustration. More Growth. Better Podcast.

Finally, your Podcast Growth Roadmap to predictable growth. ​A free case study on how I grew from 0 to 20+ million views and so can you.

    For Podcast Hosts, Entrepreneurs and Founders...

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