What’s up everyone,
We’re back with another newsletter on this beautiful Sunday morning.
This week I’m going to break down exactly how you can get your content to more users faster than before.
It falls under one principle.
Until now, when you create content, it’s one to one with the social platform.
For example, you post content on Instagram, and hope Instagram pushes your content.
Not a bad strategy, it’s worked for many people, but I like to put it on steroids.
This completely flips the script in terms of growth.
Instead of doing all the work yourself, you partner with people for supernormal growth.
You grow through network effects.
Instead of 1+1 = 2, it’s more like 1+2 = 10.
It’s a spider web. You start small and as your content is pushed by other people; you grow at an exponential rate.
You grow faster.
They grow faster.
Everyone wins.
This is exactly how the biggest creators and entrepreneurs in the world grow.
They do not sit on their phone all day pumping out clips. They join forces with others and the internet does the work.
Now, you’re probably asking, how do I do this?
Here’s 5 secrets to blow up your content through the 1-to-Many Model:
As some of my content popped off, I would see more and more of these clip channels ‘steal’ my content.
They would take my episodes and create clips to grow their Instagram, TikTok or YouTube channels.
Some people get annoyed by this. I’m the exact opposite.
When this happened, I did two things:
The results from this were absolutely wild.
Some of these clips were doing 1,000,000 views a day.
More eyeballs, more downloads, everyone wins.
These accounts are engineered to pick the best clips on the internet to go viral, so when your content is side by side with Alex Hormozi and Chris Williamson, you don’t complain; you double down.
Side note: if you’re starting out, you can message these accounts and give them the raw files of your best episodes.
Make sure they have the type of audience you wish to attract. It goes without saying, don’t pay $1 for this.
Find other weirdos on a similar mission to you.
Team up and create content together. Preferably through podcasts.
If both of you are quite similar, chances are your audience will be quite similar.
As content is repurposed from episodes, your core values and beliefs are being shared across the internet.
This gives you leverage since it’s your best content being pushed. You tap into their audience and adjacent audiences.
(That’s why it’s important to have core content pillars so you limit the stupid shit you say)
One of the most powerful tools is to create content for your guests.
Often, guests don’t even know what to do with your episode.
Where should they share it?
How should they share it?
Why should they share it?
Make it stupid simple.
Create content around their brand and business, give it to them directly and tell them exactly which platform this will perform best on.
“Here is a custom clip for you that you can use on Instagram for your audience” is much better than “Can you please post our episode?”
If you’re wondering why guests don’t share your work, this is exactly why.
Some people just get “it”.
It’s hard to explain, but they understand the power of media and leverage.
One of the best things a guest can say is “can you send me the raw files?”
Often it’s creators with experience in content that will do this.
Lean into that.
Record with people who want to get the message out there.
Some old managing director from Goldman Sachs is less interested in growing on social media than a first time founder of a SaaS platform that’s all about Twitter growth.
Play smart. Play to win.
If it’s worked in the past, chances are it will work again.
For some reason, people think they can’t repurpose old episodes.
Some of the best content comes from resurfacing clips from episodes 12 months ago.
When you see a clip from Alex Hormozi on a podcast, you don’t ask “what date was this recorded?” you think “huh, that was pretty useful”.
If some top performing episodes resonate with your core values, drive more content around them in clips. These will perform well and you’ll grow faster.
That’s all for today people, see you next week internet friends!
Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
→Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.
→Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.
→Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.
Copyright Voics 2022