What’s up people,
In this week’s newsletter I’m going to walk through the most unique, abstract guest outreach strategy.
A strategy that works and doesn’t waste your time.
Most people HATE guest outreach.
They fear rejection.
If they message their teenage idol and that person rejects them, it hurts their ego.
Well, it might not be because of you.
When you’re contacting someone, there’s two components:
This is a basic concept of sales.
Assuming your offer is of value to the potential guest, the method in which you communicate is vital.
Here are the generic options:
- Voicenotes
- LinkedIn / Twitter
All pretty decent, but incredibly competitive amongst other podcasters.
You want a method that ensures a high success rate and makes you stand out from everyone else.
The best way to catch anyone’s attention is to make them a personalised video.
Emails are boring, static, and dry. When you send someone a video, they immediately see YOU speaking and breaking down their own work.
You build a parasocial relationship immediately, and it’s super sincere.
In a world of AI girlfriends, it’s nice to receive something personalised.
It’s kind of like a gift.
Using Loom, you can share your screen easily and explain clearly why you want them on your show.
The hit rate from this approach is so high I think you can contact ANYONE with this strategy.
Now let’s break down EXACTLY how I do it.
Full example: https://rb.gy/r523c
Please watch this video while following through the process.
Tell the guest what about their work interests you and how it’s benefited your life.
Walk through your podcast on Spotify / Apple and show them other guests that are in a similar niche.
Prove you’re not an AI generated bot, basically.
Explain the purpose, vision and mission of your podcast.
Kickoff Sessions: Help young people live a richer and more fulfilling life.
I call this the bullshit test.
Everyone talks a big game these days, but until you show them exactly the numbers under the hood, it’s just talk.
I walk through EXACTLY each piece of data. From podcast views and downloads, to social engagement.
I walk through my backend of how I schedule content and can share files with guests for them to use themselves.
Therefore, they're getting all this exposure, tangible content and outcomes for free.
The best part of all this, Loom gives you notifications when videos have been watched.
So if someone opens but doesn’t respond, guess what you can do? Follow back up with another email.
Remember, this is exactly what you're trying to convey in email, but it gets lost in the jungle of emails a high-profile guest receives each day.
It’s a matter of positioning and framing.
That’s all for this week internet friends.
Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
→Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.
→Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.
→Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.
Copyright Voics 2022