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My World Domination Plan of Social Media

Darren Lee • August 13, 2023

Read time: 4 minutes

What’s up everyone,

We’re back with another newsletter on this fine Sunday morning. As always, I don’t plan on wasting your time for the next three minutes.

Instead, I’m going to share with you my exact strategy for world domination of social media.

(evil laugh)

Na I’m joking.

However, I passed 50,000 followers across all platforms this week, so I said it’s time to stop messing around and create a concrete strategy for the next 24 months.


Without a logical strategy, you are literally making it up.

Every day, you and your podcast go into the world hoping for the best.

This was me for a long time.

However, over time, you know what to do. I’ve been creating podcast content for over three years. It gets easier, but without the right approach, you move sideways.

To scale and grow to crazy numbers, you need a razor sharp strategy.

Each platform is different, it requires a different flavour and touch. Content that smashes on LinkedIn doesn’t work as well on Instagram. The concepts remain the same, but the alignment is different.

What’s the goal of all this?

The goal is to crack global distribution.

The larger the distribution network, the more eyeballs on your content, the more people you can help. It’s that simple.

Without distribution, you may as well be screaming out of your bedroom window.


I’ve broken my strategy down for each platform into the core components of the content. The content has to be different on each platform, to a degree.

Let’s break down the different components of content:

1. Authority Content

Authority style content is when you showcase your competency and exhibit your expertise. This builds trust with your audience through your podcast and writing. This should be your top priority to become an authority figure, i.e. someone people like, know, and trust.

For me, this takes up over 50% of content on all social platforms. You need to prove your competency. This can be done by showing exactly what you’ve achieved, sharing personal stories and transformation. You can share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Your podcast is a great platform to go super deep on your experiences, and bring this right across all platforms.

2. Community Content

Community builds the audience. It makes people feel part of the journey. They’re not sitting on the sidelines, they’re in it. This builds your 1000 super-fans. You build community differently on all platforms, but it’s a crucial component of your brand.

Go the extra mile, respond to messages, comments and emails. Ask people for their opinion and implement their feedback.

Some dude on Twitter said to me my lighting was distorted at night because of my recording platform. I fixed it, recorded a new podcast and sent it to him 24 hours later.

3. Entertainment Content

Entertainment grabs attention. You need attention before you can keep attention. Once you grab attention, you need authority style content to convert users into a community.

Be careful though, entertainment content on its own is meaningless. It gives the wrong impression and builds the wrong audience. I like to add entertainment style content through personal stories and mistake I made along the way.

4. Podcast Content

Your podcast plays a vital role in these three components. However, sharing the physical episodes is a vital role of the equation which I niche down into on Instagram. Your podcast can lean more into authority or entertainment style content. For me, it’s all about authority and providing education.

You can’t have it all. For each platform, you need to lean more into authority, community, entertainment or educational style content.

You need a mixture of all four components to dominate.

How I transform theory into execution is very simple:

- Podcast: Long form episodes and short form content

- YouTube: Long form episodes, personal videos and short form content

- LinkedIn: Written text, images and short form clips

- Instagram: Short form clips, high-quality headshots and story engagements

- Twitter: Written text, images and short form clips

You're saying the same thing, 1000 different ways, to appeal to different components.

That’s it.

That’s my grand plan for world domination.

See you next week internet friends.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.

Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.

Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.

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Finally, your Podcast Growth Roadmap to predictable growth. ​A free case study on how I grew from 0 to 20+ million views and so can you.

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