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The Future of The Podcast Industry

Darren Lee • May 7, 2023

Read time: 4 minutes

This week, I’m going to be breaking down what the future of the podcast industry looks like.

I spent the past week in Dubai, meeting with great minds in the industry, from studio owners to agencies and guests.

As I fly back to sunny Singapore, I’ve had time to think about where the industry is going and what that means for you.

The industry has become hypercompetitive and professional in the last two years. Like everything in life, if you don’t adjust and adapt, you’ll be left behind.

I’m not saying that I’m in favour of where the industry is moving towards, but it’s the reality. It’s better to swim with the tide than to fight it.

So here’s exactly where the industry is going in the next 12 months and how you can prepare for it.

  1. In-Person Podcasts

Recording online gives you width, recording in person gives you depth. There are pros and cons to both.

Conversations are stronger in person and it’s simple to understand why. You can build a connection with the guest beforehand, exchange thoughts and ideas even before recording a great episode.

From a listener's perspective, they feel they’re in the room, and don’t struggle through poor audio quality online. Since production costs are getting lower and lower, recording in person is becoming accessible to every podcast host.

2. Larger Productions

The baseline standard is becoming incredibly high. Once a listener hears the sweet sound of a Shure SM7B or Shure MV7, their ears never go back.

When you see that multi-camera angle with smooth, warm lighting, it becomes the norm. The production quality is moving towards movie style, which brings listeners closer to the content.

Can you grow without it? Sure.

Can you grow FASTER with it? Absolutely.

Now, do you need to drop $50K and build a studio in your mom’s basement? Obviously not.

But you can hire a studio every once in a while. A one hour podcast will cost you approximately $75. Once a month it’s a fun activity and gives you content for 2+ months.

Once you see what’s possible in person, you never go back.

3. ‘Bigger’ Guests

By ‘bigger’ guests, I don't mean celebrities. While it would be cool to get Chris Brown on your podcast, that’s not what I mean.

Within your niche, look for the genuine expert or leading voices in that subcategory. Think about who are the key players in your niche that can find the balance between entertainment and education.

For instance, if you have a baking podcast, find the best baker in your local town and interview them. After that, find the best baker in your country, interview them. That is the ultimate form of digital leverage.

4. More Episodes

More episodes = more downloads.

It’s that simple.

BUT to produce more episodes, you need sharper systems.

You can create sharper systems with AI.

AI is booming right now and platforms are popping up each day that handle clips, transcripts, distribution. This is great, but you have to ensure everything is staying aligned with your brand.

Once you found a repeatable strategy to pump out episodes, you can move from 4 to 6 or even 8 episodes a month.

5. Repurposed Content

As podcasting is becoming more professional, the content can play a huge part in a creator or a company’s marketing strategy.

The content from a podcast can be repurposed to LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram. However, only when the messaging aligns to your ideal listener profile.

Alternatively, you can add clips from your podcast to your website. Build a connection with your ideal customer and guide them through the sales cycle.

6. Self-Funded Podcasts

Sponsorships have been a large part of the monetisation strategy for podcasts. However, podcast hosts are becoming more like entrepreneurs, they can self fund their own episodes through products and services. Let’s do some mathematics:

Option A:

- 1 sponsorship at $2000 p/m = $2000

Option B:

- 4 course sales at $250 p/m = $1000

- 1 new client at $2500 p/m = $2500

- 2 client consultations at $250 p/m = $500

Total = $4000

That’s a 2X return by NOT taking the sponsorship and self promoting your own products and services.

It’s important to think ahead with your podcast. Changes happen slowly than all at once if you’re not ready.

See you next week internet friends.

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.

Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.

Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.

Grow Your Podcast Today.

Less Frustration. More Growth. Better Podcast.

Finally, your Podcast Growth Roadmap to predictable growth. ​A free case study on how I grew from 0 to 20+ million views and so can you.

    For Podcast Hosts, Entrepreneurs and Founders...

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