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How I Grew a Podcast by 999% in 90 days

Darren Lee • July 30, 2023

Read time: 4 minutes

What’s up everyone,

On this lovely Sunday morning, with the sun rising across beautiful Asia, I’m going to break down a case study of how we (all of Voics) grew a podcast by 999% in 90 days.

Since I don’t make shit up, here’s the podcast right now:

Eye on AI: Click to view​

Here are the results:

- Views - Increase of 999%

- Subscribers - Increase of 999%

- Watch hours - Increase of 999%

And the best part? This is compared to all of 2022’s performance.

So, let’s dive into how you can do it NOW.

1. Reposition Content

Instead of going after a large TAM (total addressable market), I aim for several layers deeper to avoid the noise.

We don’t want EVERYONE to listen; we want to OWN a tiny slice of the internet.

I’m being serious.

Dominating a subsection of the internet allows you to:

- Grow rapidly

- Be remarkable

- Become ‘niche famous’

In this example, we targeted software engineers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and deep tech founders.

As a result, the content can be more technical and advanced, yet still achieving the scalability factor.

Side note: once you achieve escape velocity in a tiny vertical, you can branch out to more general topics to gain a larger market share in the industry.

2. Revamp Branding

Branding is the first thing a new user will see in your podcast.

If it sucks, it could be the LAST thing they see and never return.

Sounds extreme, but it’s the reality.

I’m a big design guy, but I’m also a simple guy.

To increase the likelihood of someone clicking on your show, your branding needs to be:

- Clear

- Engaging

- Repeatable

I achieve this is by:

- Creating a consistent colour pallet

- Including high quality headshots

- Writing open-loop titles

- Adding 3D effects

Keep it stupid simple.

Historically, the brighter the image, the better the click-through-rate.

But, I’m not a fan of bright red and blue, so I find a brand kit that works and go all in.

3. Titles & Descriptions

Titles are so crucial. Never underestimate them.

I scope anywhere between 3 to 10 titles for every show.

The component of a title is:

- Short (less than 8 words)

- Open loop (creates intrigue)

- Keyword packed (niche specific)

- Bonus: Opinionated (creates discussion)

For descriptions, I focus on jam packing the first line to be keyword specific.

I go deeper into the show notes and timestamps to explain:

- What is happening?

- Who does it apply to?

- Why should anyone care?

If I do this correctly, it will drive organic traffic long into the future.

YouTube has the core variables it needs to bring your content to broader audiences.

4. Increase Volume

My content flywheel is simple:

- Create a niche specific long form episode

- Run short form daily driving users back to long form

Sounds easy, but this only works if the content is in perfect alignment.

Once that model is mastered, you can increase your long form episodes from bi-weekly to weekly.

In my example, we’ve moved from two episodes a month to four.


Because it’s not any additional effort with the systems built.

5. Prioritise Video

I remember when I used to write on LinkedIn that video was the future of podcasting.

All these audio dudes would write 20 line hate mail comments on my posts and in direct message.

“But audio has always worked!”

“It’s not meant to be this way!”

“I like it the way it is!”

Like it or not, it’s already happened.

You can be Blockbuster and watch life pass you by.

Or you can be sexy Netflix and swim with the tide.

I know which one I’m picking.

Think of it this way. Imagine your favourite podcast host in the world. Did you SEE them or HEAR them in the beginning?

You more than likely saw them before you dedicated two hours to listen to their work.

Video gives you distribution.

Audio gives you retention.

Use video to cast the widest net. Use audio to convert them into super-fans.


That’s it for today's internet friends, see you next week!

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

Schedule an Introduction Call: Voics is the straightforward podcast agency that creates, markets, and scales your podcast in a “done-for-you” model.

Podcast Accelerator: Remove the stress, pressure and countless hours of growing a podcast. This comprehensive course will teach you the system I used to grow Kickoff Sessions and record with the sharpest minds in the world.

Listen to Kickoff Sessions: Learn from 145+ entrepreneurs who have scaled businesses to millions in profit that will help you on your journey.

Grow Your Podcast Today.

Less Frustration. More Growth. Better Podcast.

Finally, your Podcast Growth Roadmap to predictable growth. ​A free case study on how I grew from 0 to 20+ million views and so can you.

    For Podcast Hosts, Entrepreneurs and Founders...

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